
Press conference to launch the campaign “Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative” flash mob


Hands Off Women – HOW supports the “Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative” campaign against rape as a weapon of war. The campaign is promoted by the British Embassy in Rome, which Roma Capitale joined.… Read the rest

HOW joins global campaign ONE BILLION RISING, to demand the end of violence against women

Thank you for participating and sharing – with Hands off Women – How – the  Flash Mob “One Billion Rising” on February 14 at the Spanish Steps in Rome. A great event on violence against women: a voice and a dance to be heard!… Read the rest

Flash mob One Billion Rising – HOW in Malindi, Kenya

14 february 2013 – Malindi, Kenya… Read the rest

Violence directed against women is a pervasive and multifaceted phenomenon that strikes all of our societies. It is incumbent on each of us to respond to what, in the final analysis has shown itself to be one of the most insidious and widespread forms of human rights violation and discrimination.

Violence cannot be considered an individual and private matter but rather, has to be faced as a general responsibility; institutions, political and civil society must all work to prevent and contrast any kind of violence.… Read the rest